Consulting & curriculum Development

Consulting and Professional Development: Onsite and Virtual Coaching for the Integration of Systemic SEL
Prioritizing social-emotional learning and wellness means committing to a journey. As an educator, special education chairperson, and athletic coach, Dawn facilitated teams, trained staff, and supported students. Today, she draws upon her skills as a seasoned educator in her work with schools, districts, and communities. Dawn specializes in meeting clients where they are on their journey. She customizes consulting services and professional development to match an audience’s unique needs and support continued growth.
Professional Development workshops including, but not limited to:
The ABCs of Integrated SEL: Using Routines to Develop Agency, Belonging, and Community
Checking In with The Mood Rings: An Emotional Awareness & Regulation Routine
Customized SEL PD sessions developed on request.
Consulting topics including, but not limited to:
Connecting DEI & SEL
Assembling an SEL team
Defining priorities and developing goals
Selecting SEL programs
Assessing district and student progress
Developing family and community partnerships

SEL & Wellness Curriculum Development:
Dawn develops and writes social emotional learning and wellness curriculum and professional learning content as a freelance author. Contact Dawn to inquire about curriculum development and writing services. See below for samples of her published work.
Published in 2020 & 2021
BellXcel’s SEL Curriculum including:
- Ladders Social Emotional Learning: Self & Others
- Ladders Social Emotional Learning: Belonging & Community
- Ladders Routines for Applied SEL
- PARC: A guide and model for project based service learning
Dawn’s Portfolio cont.
Developer of the following applied SEL tools and routines:
- The Mood Rings: A Tool for Exploring and Regulating Emotions
- Zoning In & Checking Out: Infusing SEL into Arrival and Dismissal Routines
- Take Your STEPS: A Mindful Decision-Making Process
- My Keys: Unlocking Student Potential with The Big Five Abilities
*The posters pictured here were designed from WTN content and copyrighted for BellXcel. To learn more about WTN Applied SEL Routines, visit the Well Together Now curriculum catalog.
Children’s Books:
Dawn is the author of three children’s books including:
Dots, Lines, & Curves – Better Together
When the What Ifs Visit: A story about worry (revised, 2nd edition to be released Fall 2021)
MeYouWe (release date TBA)