It’s that time again! What better way to celebrate the upcoming #SELday this March 11th than to spread kindness by saying, “WELL done!” Or, by telling someone, “I notice and appreciate you.”
People all around us do small things to help others every day. The simplest act can make a big difference. Show them that you notice their actions and contributions. Use this opportunity to show that we can continue to connect even when we are socially distanced.
Download the WELLcommunity Spotlight and Shout Out templates with the links below and flood your school, classroom, home, or social media feed with notes that call out specific people who make the world a better place just by being themselves.

See buttons at bottom of post to download each design.
What have you noticed?
A friend, a teacher, a collegue, a famliy member:
holds the door.
calls just to say hello.
says something that makes you feel good.
takes the time to …
stands up for …
helps with …
How is this related to SEL?
Between the messenger and the receiver, WELLcommunity Shout Outs and Spotlights call on all five of the CASEL Core Competencies:
- Self-Awareness
- Self-Management
- Social Awareness
- Relationship Skills
- Responsible Decision-Making
Show us your SEL in action! Post your pictures on SEL Day, March 11, 2022. Don’t forget to tag @welltogethernow and use the hashtags #WELLcommunitySpotlights and #SELday. Or, send your pictures to [email protected] to be included on our WTN social media feeds.
Use these links to download a free pdf of each design.